Recent (202002) audits of S&P Global Top 100 Banks and Fortune 500 (US) companies resulted in 4866 domains from 609 companies with failures and 4770 domains and 598 companies with warnings. For more details, see our research and a few examples.
Over the past few months we have attempted contacting various companies' hostmasters to report about significant DNS issues. This includes misconfigured domains that are entirely down and trivial impersonation possibilities. The following is a list of companies we'd like to freely report DNS issues to. Please contact us at or @DNSinstitute via Twitter.
If you'd like some help at zero charge, please feel free to ask. The main consultant has two decades of experience with professional DNS administration, including teaching multiple full week DNS and DNSSEC courses, high-end support and software vendor (tier 4) support for the most popular DNS server implementation (including for some Fortune 500 companies), and DNS server and tools development.
This page was last updated on 2020-03-18.